Hi Leslie,
My name is Maria Raspallo. My proudest accomplishment is that I raised two beautiful boys to be fine young men.
In my professional life, I am a kindergarten teacher for the Pawtucket School Department. This is my tenth year teaching but only third in Pawtucket. I left teaching after the birth of my first son and had my second son 11 months later! I have never regretted leaving the professional world and was very grateful that I was able to stay at home and be with my children. My son Matt is a sophomore at URI; Jacob, graduated from LaSalle Academy on June 7th and will be pursuing a Liberal Arts degree at CCRI while in training to be a firefighter.
When I was hired in Pawtucket, it was with the caveat that I secure full ESL certification within the first three years of teaching. I successfully completed the course work for certification this past December (2017). I am finishing the M.Ed in TESOL course work on July 20, 2018. In the Fall of 2018, I will complete the Assessment piece. If all goes as planned, I will secure my M.Ed in December 2018.
In my spare time, I love to scrapbook, create picture collages, or head to the beach...any time of year. In addition, I am an avid supporter of The Tomorrow Fund as well a Relay Team Member (Baldwin Believers) for the American Cancer Society.
Welcome to class, Maria. Happy to have you here, and to spend time in Media Literacy with you this summer as well. :)